Total: 19,227
Jerry Boy (Japan)
Jeopardy! (USA)
Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA)
Jeopardy! - Deluxe Edition (USA)
Jelly Boy 2 (Japan) (Proto) [En by KingMike v1.0Final]
Jelly Boy 2 (Japan) (Proto)
Jelly Boy (Europe)
JB The Super Bass (Japan)
Janyuuki - Gokuu Randa (Japan)
Jammit (USA)
Jammes (Japan)
James Pond's Crazy Sports (Europe)
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (Europe)
James Bond Jr. (USA)
James Bond Jr. (Europe)
Jaki Crush (Japan)
Jack Nicklaus Golf (USA)
Jack Nicklaus Golf (France)
Jack Nicklaus Golf (Europe)
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume One (USA)